Missions: Will You Be the One?

There’s a voice that keeps calling out

For someone who’s not afraid

To be a beacon in the night

To a world that’s lost its way.

Will you be the one to answer to his call?

Will you stand when those around you fall?

Will you be the one to take his light into a darkened world?

Tell me, will you be the one?


This is an old lyric from Al Denson. I don’t recall when I first heard it, but it was one of the songs I carried with me throughout my years in Hancock, Michigan. I was in a constant state of seeking God’s purpose for my life, it seemed–a constant state of surrendering and asking God to use me somehow, someway.

My senior year, our chapter of New Kids performed this song. I remember secretly wanting to get the solo, but in the end, I was far more blessed; Rachel and I alternated the solo on another song (a Smitty song, remember, Rach? Uhm…”we’re passengers aboard the train, silent little lambs amidst the pain”…?), and Mark Plichta asked me to play piano for Be the One. It was all the better, as I could never control my emotions when I tried to sing it, anyway!

This song has been on my heart again the last few weeks. My niece and nephew, Mikayla and Clayton, are going on  missions trip to Brazil in a few short weeks. Mikayla sent me a letter a few weeks ago and asked me if I’ve ever been on a missions trip. I haven’t responded to her. Honestly, sometimes I feel like a major screw up. How can I encourage my niece and nephew to do missions when I haven’t?

But I have to be honest. There have been many moments in my life thus far when I’ve felt a stirring, a desire to hop a plane to some third world country where I can serve, build, sing, and sweat for others, for Christ. Missions have always been so close to my heart. Heck–my best friend growing up was an MK. Don’t tell her, but I used to be jealous of her for that reason. I wanted to be an MK, too!

Still, I think there’s a growing phenomenon in our Christian culture. There’s this idea that the real on-fire Christians do missions, and the mediocre Christians just stay here in America doing whatever they want. And maybe that’s true in some cases. But always?

I think I was willing. I think if God had opened the door wide and provided, I would have gone. But every time I grew restless and asked God for a mission field, it seems, He sent me someplace far more awkward–the public school system. Some day, I will write about it. Today, it will suffice to say that I wanted God to send me, and He did; and I still hope that the opportunity will arise for me to go on a missions trip. I’m not that old, after all. And I’m not obligated with a husband or children. Why not?

Whatever God speaks to our hearts, whatever He asks of us, whatever missions He brings us to, I hope we’ll continue to ask ourselves the questions. Will you be the one to answer to his call? Will you stand when those around you fall? Will you be the one to take his light into a darkened world?

May He grant us all the grace and courage to reply, “I will be the one.”

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12 Responses to Missions: Will You Be the One?

  1. docjam5010 says:

    I was just seriously thinking about missions….coincidence?

  2. Dave Wade says:

    A true missionary does not have to cross the sea, but they must see the cross……

    Opportunities abound in your own backyard and in the closest city, Sarah.

    check out “reliefbus.org”

    • semmie says:

      Dave–you are entirely right. There are enormous needs in our own neighborhoods! I love this idea–believe it or not, I’ve not heard of the reliefbus before today. I’m very impressed. What a great idea!

      Still…I do want to go to a third world country. I sponsor a child from Burkina Faso through Compassion International, and knowing him has totally changed my life and my view of “wealth.” He survives (and is HAPPY) with so little!

      Thanks for sharing, Dave! It’s a pleasure–and a welcome perspective–as always!

    • Linda Yezak says:

      “A true missionary does not have to cross the sea, but they must see the cross.”

      Love that!

  3. Linda Yezak says:

    “Still, I think there’s a growing phenomenon in our Christian culture. There’s this idea that the real on-fire Christians do missions, and the mediocre Christians just stay here in America doing whatever they want. And maybe that’s true in some cases. But always?”

    I believe many Christians are fat with the privileges we have America, but I don’t believe that only mediocre Christians stay here. Our society has degenerated to such a state, we are our own best mission field. And considering the lies being taught our children in public schools, perhaps God gave you the choicest mission field.

    You have such a tender, willing heart. God must smile every time he looks at you!

    • semmie says:

      Hi Linda! What a pleasure to see you here. 🙂 I appreciate your insight, and I think you are right. There really are enormous needs in our country right now. I would be interested to compare the needs of Americans with, say, Burkinabe. Aside from wealth, I wonder how similar (or different) our needs are?

      Blessings, Linda!

  4. Rachel Miller says:

    Wasn’t that song, Live the Life? Oh and I totally agree that it was more of a blessing that you got to play the song Be the One rather than sing the solo. Anyone could have sang the song, but not everyone could play it like you did.

    Oh and you know what? I just want to say the same thing as other people. You are needed here. You have done so much already, even though you may not realize it. There is so much more to do. Now this is just my opinion, but if you truly were needed overseas I think you would already have been sent over there. I believe that we are put somewhere for a reason and people are put in our lives for a reason. So I believe that you haven’t been sent over seas because there is reason. You may not know why, but you know what? That’s okay. God knows why and has chosen you for this mission field.

    Okay well I just said some of the same stuff other people have said, but well what can I say? Great ,minds think alike.

    • semmie says:

      Thank you for your remarks, Rachel. And thank you for your words about the piano part. I’m truly thankful I was able to play that one for New Kids! I know you’re right, too, about having a mission field right where we are. And who knows? Maybe I’ll never get oversea; but maybe God has a plan in all of it.

      Okay…no maybes. God definitely has a plan in all of it. 🙂

      Love you, doll!

  5. Rachel Miller says:

    Oh I forgot to mention that one day maybe you will go do a missions trip. You just have to wait for God’s timing. Waiting is hard, believe me I know. However it’s all in Gods’ timing and his hands.

  6. J O says:

    I loved this song while growing up in Michigan too! Now I am serving in the Czech Republic with Word To All International.

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