Book Review: Saint Patrick

Saint Patrick by Jonathan Rogers

Perhaps no man has had more legend surrounding his life than Saint Patrick. In Jonathan Rogers’ book, Saint Patrick, part of the Christian Encounters series by Thomas Nelson Publishers, we learn the history behind the man. With only two extant writings of Saint Patrick to glean information from, Rogers considers the context of the world and culture in which Saint Patrick lived and helps us to paint an historic picture of Saint Patrick’s life.

Rogers is masterful in his outlining of the truths that birthed the legends, without leading the reader to accept or reject them. He allows for many possibilities regarding the Saint’s life and ministry, leading the reader only to the historical context and the writings of Saint Patrick himself.

There are two things about this biography of Saint Patrick’s life that I really, really love. First, Saint Patrick’s writings are included as appendices to the book , allowing the reader to refer to them as she reads, after she has read the book and has a better idea of what Patrick was writing, or (as in my case) both. But second, and far more important, this biography challenged my assumptions about Saint Patrick and the Early Church. If I had only picked up Patrick’s writings and had not read the history and context that Rogers provides, I would not have understood the importance of the Saint’s words, the challenges he faced, or the authority he had to question in order to be obedient to God’s call on his life.

This is a short read—and a quick one. You can easily finish this in time to honor Saint Patrick on the coming holiday.

For more information about this book, please visit the Thomas Nelson product page for Saint Patrick.

Disclosure: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program.

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4 Responses to Book Review: Saint Patrick

  1. Duane says:

    Looks, like an interesting book. I just signed up for has your experience been a positive one so far, and is there much of a choice in books?

    • semmie says:

      Duane, you CANNOT lose with this program.

      Right now, there are only two books available…but they change often and quickly. If you’re not interested in a book that’s up, I would suggest you wait a couple of days, check again, and you will probably see new books added. And once you have a book, you cannot request another one until you review your current book (which isn’t a big deal, I guess…except posting your review on the consumer websites can take a day or two, which slows down the process).

      Yeah…my experience has been positive. I am really enjoying being part of this program, and I’m excited to see what other books will come my way. 😀

      Glad you’re doing this!

      • Duane says:

        Good to hear, I was a little concerned when I only saw two book available.

        I’m also thinking of doing reviews of old classics that have had an impact in my life. Murray, Tozer, Finney, etc. Someone a long time ago suggested mixing in one old book for every two new ones. Helps to uncover blind spots in current thinking.

      • semmie says:

        Nice, Duane! Tozer’s “Knowledge of the Holy” was perhaps the most life-changing book I’ve ever read.

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